Bonus Content: Episode 8

"I would do ANYTHING for a stroopwafel. I would KILL a man for a stroopwafel." ~ Endeavorance

Bonus Content: Episode 8
"I would do ANYTHING for a stroopwafel. I would KILL a man for a stroopwafel."
~ Endeavorance

If I'm being honest, audience, I almost cut out like 50% of the content you're getting in this bonus episode.

For some reason we ended up talking a LOT about things like Dev's vasectomy, OnlyFans requests, alcohol, and other miscellaneous topics that we probably wouldn't be able to include if we didn't run our own podcast and needed to care about public image for the sake of shareholders or something.

Like, Dev at one point says the phrase "soldering my nuts". With his full chest.

So maybe don't listen to it without headphones, I guess.

But we do also talk about normal stuff, I swear. Like the state of content creation, Pop-Tarts, Pax East, travel (again), our new MERCH SHOP HOLY SHIT, whatever the hell Vsauce is, things like that. At one point we also go into very heated tirades about the state of the corporate world with some smooth jazz in the background. So come give it a listen.

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